sshĬreate file authorized_keys using vi editor and copy the contents of public key you have copied from puttygen ~]$ cd. ssh directory with permission 600 in user home ~]$ ~]$ mkdir ~]$ chmod 600. Login to your linux machine using putty and create. ssh or authorized_keys doesnt exist, create it manually before copying the publick key. Save the private key to your preferred location by clicking on button “Save Private key”.Ĭopy the Public Key Content from the copy area to your linux user’s authorized_keys file. Move the mouse on the blank area until it finish generating the key pair. Select the Type of Key to Generate, here I selected RSA. We can use Puttygen for creating the key pair.
#Putty ssh password password
If not - you should login just with a double click - no username and password are required.To configure a password-less SSH connection from a Windows machine to linux, we need to first generate a RSA or DSA keypair (Private/Public). If you have a passphrase you'll be prompted for it. In Connection->SSH->Auth set Private key file for authentication to your. In Connection->Data set up Auto-login username to your username (let's say bobi). Ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAoGYNZIORXmHJaqhRWDzxGZaTUhxh8tlcBlm8bLIpKBb5fU6N6lwdzBi9qubRakzbgQUq9fCaO2J13pKVHhZbreJRPV+UcJnNHV7rsAxoI89hXeRVmjw75mLs/vq1T0XvDI8Gfyx/5J97nAlSJaW0k7K5qxoxlwG0ta94aRzrzVE= rsa-key-20071103.įirst create a new session for this host, for example myhosting.tld. Copy/paste the content of to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (it should be one row like this ssh or such file in it under your home directory just create them. Tha file that contains them is ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Use a text editor, ftp or something else to add the public key to authorized keys of each account. Keep those two files somewhere and do NOT give your private key (*.pkk) to anyone. Then use "Save public key" to save the public key to a file, for example Skipping the passphrase however is less secure. If you choose to have a passphrase, you'll be prompted for it every time you login. Now that the key is ready you should decide whether or not to use a passphrase.
Press "Generate" button and move the mouse to create unique key. Set "Type of key to generate" to the SSH protocol your hosting service provides (usually you won't have to change it at all).
#Putty ssh password install
Then we'll setup PuTTY client to use private key for authentication for all web hosting services.ĭownload and install PuTTYgen from if you don't have it yet. The public key will be put as a trusted key on all your SSH accounts. In our case we'll just generate such pair, keeping the private key to yourself. You can find out more about public/private keys here. The method we use is SSH authentication with public/private key pair. Here we'll provide a way to login to all your accounts on all hosting providers using the same password (or no password) and in the same time not having to change all SSH passwords or saving them to your computer. If you however have many different web hosting providers, or more than one accounts, it becomes hard to remember so many usernames/passwords. Most popular windows SSH client is PuTTY ( ). Lots of web hosting services offer SSH access.